29 February 2016

More Unusual, Hardcore, Raunchy Sex (2 of 2) ×16 pix (hardcore hentai)

Hardcore Hentai
More Unusual, Hardcore, Raunchy Sex
(2 of 2) ×16 pix

Defense of the Ancients
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: this blog)
Lucifer the Doombringer
Balanar, a.k.a Night Stalker

~ Justmegabenewell
     Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: this blog)
Sailor Mars,
a.k.a HINO Rei

~ Cutepet

26 February 2016

Touhou Project: Band Aid Bras (2 of 3) ×28 pix (softcore hentai)

Band Aid Bras
×28 pix

Touhou Project
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: this blog — info)

Well, I could not get to sleep. Tried watching an anime hoping... Do not watch something similar to Berserk when having problems getting to sleep, it will not relax you at all. LOL
♂ TENSHI Rikku ∴ 天使リック
Rikku no Ecchi to Hentai ∴ リックのエッチと変態
Facebook page Rikku's blog
~ Uousa      HATA no Kokoro
~ Sousakubito

Info on Band Aid Bras posts... (ecchi)

Howdy all (yep, I'm American LOL),
Kicking back yesterday, 24th, looking for a theme to do, I stumbled across a band aid bra and walla! Started putting together a page of pix (20-ish) and found way too many Kantai pix, so I decided to split the post in two, Kantai and misc. After getting 20 pix for the Kantai post, I started looking for misc pix finding way too many Touhou Project pix. Once again I split the post in two, a total of three posts: Kantai, Touhou and misc.
Promising NOT to do this again, split off to my fourth page, I have dropped the first, and am looking into finishing the editing of the other two later today, it being 00:32, I'll probably drop the second around 10:00. This may change to a lot earlier due to my brain won't SHUT UP and let me get to sleep. LOL
Here's hoping I sleep soon.
♂ TENSHI Rikku ∴ 天使リック
Rikku no Ecchi to Hentai ∴ リックのエッチと変態
Facebook page Rikku's blog

< original >
~ Weiyinji XSK
 Do not have a translation for this pic. Any one who can read this, please write it in the comments below.

25 February 2016

Kantai Collection: Band Aid Bras (1 of 3) ×20 pix (hentai)

Band Aid Bras
×20 pix
Kantai Collection
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: Rikku's blog)

(Abyssal Aviation Battleship

~ Shiki
(Abyssal Aviation Battleship

~ Tachimi

24 February 2016

Senran Kagura × 18 pix (ecchi)

Senran Kagura
× 18 pix
(hentai: E-hentai — images: Sakoku Channel)
various characters and artists
(Senran Kagura pixSenran Kagura info & pix)

~ < official art >

~ Kaede

HibariAsuka • Katsuragi
~ < unk artist >

~ Oponsu

 ~ Ryuu Ryuu

~ Hishigata
~ < unk artist >

~ Marukome01
~ < unk artist >

~ Ayato
~ Ponpo

~ < unk artist >
~ Ao Banana

23 February 2016

Inverted Nipples ×18 pix (ecchi)

×18 pix
  • hanten chikubi (反転乳首 hiragana はんてん ちくび) — Japanese for inverted nipples.

(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: Rikku's blog)
Ruler a.k.a Jeanne d'Arc
~ Netlk
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: Rikku's blog)
~ < unk artist >

21 February 2016

More Public Use (2 of 2) ×20 pix (HARDCORE hentai)

More Public Use
(2 of 2) ×20 pix

For Public Use and More Public Use
  • oppirayaku ( 大っぴら役 hiragana おおっぴらやく, "public use") — This term translated to "public use", this this instance, it means submitting your body for sexual and other, demeaning, activities (e.g drinking urine). The submitting may be voluntary or forced.

(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: Rikku's blog)

~ Omeyokan
     Machi Gurumi no Wana
(pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: Rikku's blog)
~ < unk artist >

Demon Girls ×20 pix (hentai)

×20 pix

(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: Rikku's blog)
~ < unk artist >
     Lord of Walkure
(pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: Rikku's blog)
Loki of Hell
~ < game cg >

20 February 2016

For Public Use (1 of 2) ×20 pix (hardcore hentai)

For Public Use
(1 of 2) ×20 pix
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: Rikku's blog)

  • oppirayaku ( 大っぴら役 hiragana おおっぴらやく, "public use") — This term translated to "public use", this this instance, it means submitting your body for sexual and other, demeaning, activities (e.g drinking urine). The submitting may be voluntary or forced.
Oh My Goddess!
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: Rikku's blog)

~ Joy Division
     Oh My Goddess!
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: Rikku's blog)

~ Joy Division

19 February 2016

Ample Hair Down There ×14 pix (hentai)

Ample Hair Down There
×14 pix
variety of series, characters and artists

< original >
~ Rino99
     < original >
~ Rino99

18 February 2016

Yaoi × 14 pix (hentai)

× 14 pix
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: Rikku's Blog)
variety of series, characters and artists

Dragon Ball
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: Rikku's Blog)
Son GokuVegeta
~ < unk artist >
     Fire Emblem
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: Rikku's Blog)
~ < unk artist >

17 February 2016

Tails and Toys × 14 pix (hentai)

Tails and Toys
× 14 pix

Touhou Project
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: this blog — info)INUBASHIRI Momiji
~ Nikke
     < original >

16 February 2016

Kantai Collection: Fleet Girls aboard the battleship Nagato (animanga)

Kantai Collection
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Danbooru — tag: Kancolle)
(Nagato Class Battleship)
~ Hayachine

2008 x 2690

Kantai Collection: Shinkaisei-kan (abyssal ships) × 10 pix (hentai)

Kantai Collection
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Danbooru — tag: Kancolle)
(lit. "abyssal ships")
× 10 pix
(pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: shinkaisei-kan)

Battleship-symbiotic Hime
(Abyssal Battleship)
~ Ningyon
     Midway Hime
(Abyssal Aviation Battleship)
~ Maruki

INFO: Kantai Collection × 20 pix (hentai)

Kantai Collection
× 20 pix
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Danbooru — tag: Kancolle)
various characters and artists

(Kongou Class Fast Battleship)
~ Yaruku
(Kongou Class Fast Battleship)
~ Itachou
Kantai Collection (艦隊これくしょん Kantai Korekushon, lit. "Fleet Collection", subtitled as "Combined Fleet Girls Collection"), abbreviated as KanColle (艦これ KanKore), is a Japanese free-to-play web browser game developed by Kadokawa Games. The game was launched on April 23, 2013. As of April 2015, the game is available in Japan only and has 3 million registered players. The game has developed into a much larger media franchise; various media including multiple manga series and light novels have been released, in addition to an officially licensed tabletop role-playing game. A PlayStation Vita game has been announced for a February 2016 release, and a television anime series began airing its first season in January 2015, with an upcoming sequel and animated film announced.

15 February 2016

INFO: My Little Pussy (Pony) × 18 pix (hentai)

My Little Pussy
× 18 pix
My Little Pony
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: My Little Pony)
variety of characters and artists

Howdy all. Was doing some cleanup on one of my earlier posts, My Little Pony theme — Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy (hentai), and got in a My Little Pony obsession — yes I guess I'm a bronie (click here to see 1:30 documentary) — and made this informative (I hope) page with naughty pix. Here's hoping you enjoy it.

♂ TENSHI Rikku ∴ 天使リック
Rikku no Ecchi to Hentai:
Facebook Page • Blog

Rainbow Dash
~ Erotibot
     Twilight Sparkle
~ Chesare
My Little Pony is an entertainment franchise developed by Hasbro which is marketed primarily to girls. It started as a line of plastic pony toys developed by Bonnie Zacherle, Charles Muenchinger and Steve D'Aguanno which have been produced since 1983. The ponies feature colorful bodies, manes and a unique symbol on one or both sides of their flanks. These are referred to in the two most recent incarnations as "cutie marks." My Little Pony has been revamped at least four times with new and more modern looks to appeal to a new market.

Following the original My Pretty Pony toy, introduced in 1981, My Little Pony was launched in 1983 and the line became popular during the 1980s. The original toy line ran from 1983 to 1995 (1992 in the US), and inspired animated specials, an animated feature-length film, and four animated television series.

The brand's sales increased many times over with the introduction of the fourth incarnation of the franchise, which started with the success of the 2010 animated television series. The brand grossed one billion USD in retail sales in 2014 and 650 million USD in retail sales in 2013.

(source: Wikipedia)

All-Fours × 14 pix (hentai)

× 14 pix

Spice and Wolf
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: Spice and Wolf)
~ ASU Hare
     Mermaid Kaikyou wo Koero!
(pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: Mermaid Kaikyou)
< unk character >
~ < unk artist >