Shoubenwo Suru 1 shou 小便1章
Taking a Piss, Part 1
×20 pix
【Kateeteru kara Nomi Nyou (drinking urine through catheter) ×10 pix】
- oshikko (おしっこ) — Kind of expression that very little children use, or, that parents or adults use to describe "taking a wee wee" to children. I thought this term was both cute and demeaning when an adult pees in unusual places or in sight of others.
- shoubenwo suru (小便をする hiragana しょうべん) — An adults version of oshikko.
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Kantai Collection
(hentai: E-Hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
(Ro-series Submarine)
(Type IXC U-boat)
(pix: Sankaku Channel)
~ Ohayou Girls
(pix: Sankaku Channel)
Kantai Collection
(hentai: E-Hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
(Shimakaze Class Destroyer)
(pix: Sankaku Channel)
~ Kazumi
(pix: Sankaku Channel)
- exhibition — This tag is of an action, by one's will or against it, or unconsciously fulfilled, exposing in a public or semi-public context those parts of one's body that are not normally exposed — e.g. ass, genitalia, breasts — or other actions or activities that are seen as perverted or sexual — e.g. bondage, crossdressing, total submissiveness, etc. (source: Wikipedia↗)
- honban (本番 hiragana ほんばん lit. "real performance"/"real thing") — Real life meaning refers to the movie or sports industry in which it means "one take" or "crucial game", but has become a euphemism for sexual intercourse (coitus), especially in brothels or other shady night places. (source: Yuribou Hentai Dictionary↗) Note: Japan's Anti-Prostitution Law/Prostitution Prevention Law of 1956 (売春防止法 hiragana ばいしゅん ぼうしほう, romaji "Baishun Bōshi Hō"), which is Act No. 118 of that year, specifically prohibits coitus for money.
- loli (katakana ロリ romaji rori) and lolicon (portmanteau of "Lolita complex" katakana ロリコン romaji rorikon) — The terms are a reference to Vladimir Nabokov's book Lolita, in which a middle-age man becomes sexually obsessed with a twelve-year-old girl. The Japanese definition is usually for girl prepubescent to a couple years into post-pubescent (9-14 years was the age the protagonist of Lolita was infatuated). A lolicon is someone obsessed with lolis.