Showing posts with label Pokemon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pokemon. Show all posts

09 November 2016

Taking a Piss, Part 2 ×20 pix (HARDCORE hentai)

Shoubenwo Suru 2 shou 小便2
Taking a Piss, Part 2
×20 pix

【Shoubenwo Suru (Taking a Piss) Part 1Part 2Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6】
【Moto kara Nomi Nyou (drinking from the source) Part 1 & Part 2
Kateeteru kara Nomi Nyou (drinking urine through catheter) ×10 pix】
Touhou Project no Oshikko Parts -1--2- and -3-

Oops! Got sidetracked by election results (not going to mention who I was for or against since this is and will be politic-free site). Me being American kinda made this important, sooo instead an hourish posting time, here it is... Have no idea how long after previous discussion post made earlier, but here it is.

♂ TENSHI Riku ∴ 天使リック
Riku no Ecchi to Hentai ∴ リックのエッチと変態
Facebook pageRiku's blog
  • oshikko (おしっこ) — Kind of expression that very little children use, or, that parents or adults use to describe "taking a wee wee" to children. I thought this term was both cute and demeaning when an adult pees in unusual places or in sight of others.
    • shoubenwo suru (小便をする hiragana しょうべん) — An adults version of oshikko.

Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni
(game cg: E-Hentai — pix: Danbooru — tag: this blog)
(pix: Danbooru)
~ Bekkankou
< official art >
(pix: Danbooru)
Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni
(game cg: E-Hentai — pix: Danbooru — tag: this blog)
(pix: Danbooru)
~ NORA Shinji
(pix: Danbooru)
  • nopan (katakana ノーパン) — Abbreviation of "no pantsu". To be used when panties are expected.
  • taisoufuku (体操服 hiragana たいそうふく) — Gym clothes or uniform prescribed for wear while participating in gymnastic exercise. This may be, from mid-60s to mid-90s, buruma (bloomers), or, mid-90s on, spats, with t-shirt worn in both time frames.

29 September 2016

Hairy Assholes ×28 pix (hentai)

Kebukai Koumon
(Hairy Assholes)
×28 pix
  • ketsu (尻 hiragana けつ) — Japanese term for buttocks. Similar words: Arse, ass, bottom, butt, etc.
    • anus — Similar words are butthole or asshole.

Kantai Collection
(hentai: E-Hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
info — tag: KanColle)
(Tenryuu Class Light Cruiser)
~ Orutoro
Kantai Collection
(hentai: E-Hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
info — tag: KanColle)
(Myoukou Class Heavy Cruiser)
~ R44
  • ahegao (アヘ顔 hiragana あへがお) — O-face; weird facial expression during sexual climax, or strong sexual / sensual pleasure.
  • chikan (痴漢 hiragana ちかん) — The act of fondling or touching another person in a sexual manner, rarely consensual and often takes place on train or bus or other public places.
  • nopan (katakana ノーパン) — Abbreviation of "no pantsu". To be used when panties are expected.

15 September 2016

Battle of the Breasts, Large and Small, Pt 3 ×28 pix (ecchi)

Mune no Tatakai, Dai Tai Shou
(Battle of the Breasts, Large and Small)
Part 3 ×28 pix

  • oppai (hiragana おっぱい) — Japanese for "breasts", used only when the breasts are visible, no clothing or towels or the like obstructing the view, though visible nipples are not necessary.
    • Flat to Small:
      • binyuu (微乳 hiragana びにゅう) — Small (delicate) breasts.
      • pettanko (hiragana ぺったんこ • ペッタンコ) — Japanese term for flat-chested female of any age after puberty, sometimes accompanied with low self esteem brought on by their small breasts.
    • Large to Grotestically huge:
      • bakunyuu (爆乳 lit. "exploding breasts") — A hentai genre focusing on the depiction of women with extremely large breasts. With regards to bra size, bakunyū are said to be above a G75 (US 34DDD/E) bra size but below an M70 (off the US chart). (source: Wikipedia)
      • houkyou (豊胸 hiragana ほうきょう) — Japanese for "full breasts".
      • kyonyuu (巨乳 hiragana きょにゅう, lit. "giant breasts") — A classification of breast size in casual Japanese. Breasts above an E70 bra size but below a G75 — 32D to 34DDD US bra size — are considered to be "kyonyū", after which point they are called "bakunyū" (爆乳). (source: Wikipedia)

Kantai Collection
(hentai: E-Hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
info — tag: this blog)
(Shimakaze Class Destroyer)
(Iowa Class Fast Battleship)
~ Otto
Kantai Collection
(hentai: E-Hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
info — tag: this blog)
Seaport Hime
Isolated Island Oni
~ HASE Yuu

  • kanmusu (katakana カンムス) — "Fleet girls" are moe anthropomorphisms of naval warships which are depicted as cute girls. Abbreviation was coined for Kantai Collection from kantai (艦隊 hiragana かんたい, fleet) and musume (娘 hiragana むすめ, girl (i.e. a young, unmarried woman)).

13 September 2016

Battle of the Breasts, Large and Small, Pt 2 ×20 pix (hentai)

Mune no Tatakai, Dai Tai Shou
(The Battle of the Breasts, Large and Small)
Part 2 ×20 pix

  • oppai (hiragana おっぱい) — Japanese for "breasts", used only when the breasts are visible, no clothing or towels or the like obstructing the view, though visible nipples are not necessary.
    • Flat to Small:
      • binyuu (微乳 hiragana びにゅう) — Small (delicate) breasts.
      • pettanko (hiragana ぺったんこ • ペッタンコ) — Japanese term for flat-chested female of any age after puberty, sometimes accompanied with low self esteem brought on by their small breasts.
    • Large to Grotestically huge:
      • bakunyuu (爆乳 lit. "exploding breasts") — A hentai genre focusing on the depiction of women with extremely large breasts. With regards to bra size, bakunyū are said to be above a G75 (US 34DDD/E) bra size but below an M70 (off the US chart). (source: Wikipedia)
      • houkyou (豊胸 hiragana ほうきょう) — Japanese for "full breasts".
      • kyonyuu (巨乳 hiragana きょにゅう, lit. "giant breasts") — A classification of breast size in casual Japanese. Breasts above an E70 bra size but below a G75 — 32D to 34DDD US bra size — are considered to be "kyonyū", after which point they are called "bakunyū" (爆乳). (source: Wikipedia)

Love Live!
(hentai: E-Hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: Love Live!)
YAZAWA Nico's mother
Senki Zesshou Symphogear
(hentai: E-Hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: Symphogear)
Maria Cadenzavna EVE
~ < unk artist >

18 March 2016

14 March 2016

Dirty Furry ×20 pix (hentai)

Dirty Furry
×20 pix

(hentai: E-hentai — images: Sankaku Channel
— tag: this blog)
Live for the Funk
(hentai: E-hentai — images: Sankaku Channel
— tag: this blog)
~ Pastelletta

13 March 2016

Ahegao de Shakuhachi (1 of 2) ×18 pix (hardcore hentai)

あへがお で しゃくはち
(Blowjobs with O-faces)
(1 of 2) ×18 pix

  • ahegao (アヘ顔 or あへがお) — O-face; weird facial expression during sexual climax, or strong sexual / sensual pleasure.
  • fellatio (hiragana しゃくはち romaji shakuhachi, or katakana フェラチオ romaji ferachio) — Oral sex act involving the use of the mouth or throat, which is performed by a person on the penis of another person or oneself (autofellatio). Oral stimulation of the scrotum may also be termed fellatio, or tea bagging. (source: Wikipedia)

Ohayou gozaimasu, 
After spending over an hour researching the Japanese form of "blowjob with an o-face" I came up with the above. I cannot read nor speak Japanese so chances are I'm way off base. Anyone who has a better way of stating the above please let me know in the comments.
♂ TENSHI Rikku ∴ 天使リック
Rikku no Ecchi to Hentai ∴ リックのエッチと変態
Facebook pageRikku's blog

Shimoneta to iu Gainen ga Sonzai
Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai

(pix: Sankaku Channel — tag: this blog)
~ Rantana
     < original >
~ Kanta

10 March 2016

"Senpai, do you mean... l-like this?" ×18 pix (hentai)

"Senpai, do you mean... l-like this?"
×18 pix

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
(hentai: E-hentai — pix: Sankaku Channel
— tag: this blog)
(a.k.a TENOU Haruka)
~ Glamour Works
     < original >
~ < unk artist >

19 January 2016

Splayed Out for Viewing ×10 pix (hentai)

Splayed Out for Viewing
×10 pix

Touhou Project
(hentai: E-hentai — images: Danbooru
— tag: this blog — info)
     Touhou Project
(hentai: E-hentai — images: Danbooru
— tag: this blog — info)
~ ebi 193

19 July 2015

Gokkun from Condom ×7 pix (hentai)

Gokkun from Condom
×7 pix
Rozen Maiden • Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Ken'ichi
FUJIMOTO Rina • KOUSAKA Shigure • SHIDARE Hotaru •
SHIKADA Kokonotsu • Shirona • Suigintou
~ Arukooru ~ DenkiShowGun ~ Dusty Heaven ~
~ Hana ~ O&X ~ SHINO Satoru ~ TKHS ~

Dagashi Kashi
SHIDARE Hotaru •
SHIKADA Kokonotsu

~ Hana
Hotaru-chan: It's ice crea-
Kokonotsu-kun: LIES!!
     < original >
~ SHINO Satoru

29 March 2015

16 September 2014

01 June 2014

Pokémon theme (hentai)

Pokémon (hentai)
May (Haruka, ハルカ) · Dawn (Hikari, ヒカリ) · Misty (Kasumi, カスミ) · Rosa (Mei, メイ) · Pikachu (ピカチュウ) · Hilda (Touko, トウコ) 

Too many manga to list them all and I do not know the Pokémon series know which are the best or main ones. Best I can do is point to Google to look for the ones out there.

Rosa (Mei, メイ)      Dawn (Hiraku ヒカリ) with Pokémon Piplup