20 September 2016


14-drafts - 3-posts + 6-more drafts = 17-drafts

Well, I keep digging myself a deeper hole. I HAVE to stay away from imageboards, complete the, now, 17-drafts (possibly a page or two more as I break one up into parts), THEN get more material for future projects, and ONLY then. When I get back to the imageboards I will TRY to gather one-post worth unless it will be broken into parts, which I WILL try to avoid.

Ah, the joys of working a blog. LOL

♂ TENSHI Riku ∴ 天使リック
Riku no Ecchi to Hentai ∴ リックのエッチと変態
Facebook pageRiku's blog

PS: Please give me your ideas on future blogs. I have noticed more HARDCORE hentai been appearing past few days.

Feeling kinda-majorly rotten — thank you very much disabilities — believe this to be why the hardcore.


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