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~ MUHAMARU Yuni • Ryokuchaism • Zaz • Zhu Fun ~
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~ MUHAMARU Yuni ~ |
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~ Ryokuchaism ~ |
~ Zhu Fun ~ |
- BDSM —
- exhibition — This tag is of an action, by one's will or against it, or unconsciously fulfilled, exposing in a public or semi-public context those parts of one's body that are not normally exposed — e.g. ass, genitalia, breasts — or other actions or activities that are seen as perverted or sexual — e.g. bondage, crossdressing, total submissiveness, etc. (source: Wikipedia↗)
- shibari (縛り) — a Japanese word that literally means "to tie" or "to bind". However, this is a somewhat hidebound definition and the word shibari is now increasingly being re-imported from the West to Japan, as the tying communities are very much interconnected. Most Japanese kinbakushi do not object to the term shibari, as it's common vernacular in the global community. (source: Wikipedia↗)
- shinju (真珠) — Meaning pearl, shinju is a euphemism to refer to the binding of female breasts. It has been popularly claimed that "shinju" is an authentic Japanese term for a "bikini harness". However, no such tie called a "shinju" is found in historic or present kinbaku.
- Body Parts and associated terms —
- chitsu (膣 hiragana ちつ) — Japanese for vagina. (source: RomajiDesu↗)
- mekosuji (メコ筋 kana メコすじ) — Translates to cameltoe, female genitals visible through tight clothing having a vague look of a camel's paw. Note: Other variants are deer paws, moose knuckles and rhino hooves. These refer to the size of the girl. A petite girl wearing tight pants has a deer paw. An average size girl has a cameltoe. A large girl has moose knuckles. Obese girls have rhino hooves. (sources: RomajiDesu↗ and Urban Dictionary↗)
- paipan (白板) — An individual lacking pubic hair, usually depicted as female.
- oppai (hiragana おっぱい) — Japanese for "breasts", used only when the breasts are visible, no clothing or towels or the like obstructing the view, though visible nipples are not necessary.
- binyuu (微乳 hiragana びにゅう) — Small (delicate) breasts.
- chikubi (乳首) — Japanese for "nipples".
- houkyou (豊胸 hiragana ほうきょう) — Japanese for "full breasts".
- kyonyuu (巨乳 hiragana きょにゅう, lit. "giant breasts") — A classification of breast size in casual Japanese. Breasts above an E70 bra size but below a G75 are considered to be "kyonyū", after which point they are called "bakunyū" (爆乳). (source: Wikipedia↗)
- Chimera —
- centaur — A centaur is any hybrid between a four-legged animal, commonly a mount such as a horse or camel, and an humanoid.
- Ratings —
- borderline — The fuzzy area where ecchi meets hentai.
- ecchi (hiragana エッチ) — Refers to softcore or playful sexuality, within the Western animanga world, in contradistinction to the word 'hentai' which connotes hardcore, perversion or fetishism. Works described as ecchi do not show sexual intercourse or genitalia. (source: Wikipedia↗)
- hentai (変態 hiragana へんたい) — A catch-all term to describe a genre of anime and manga pornography. The Western viewers / readers of anime / manga adopts and uses the word 'hentai' which connotes hardcore, perversion or fetishism. (source: Wikipedia↗)
- Type or Title of Individual —
- loli (katakana ロリ) — Term is for girl pubescent to a couple years into post-pubescent. A loli is one of visual appearance so women with youthful characteristics can also fall under this term. Note: There is an age limit when referring to a sexually attractive, seductive or precocious young girl of 13+ years-old on this blog.
- oppai loli (katakana オッパイォィ) — A female who, except the size of her breasts, can be seen as loli.
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