17 February 2017

Pangaia: Airdtriath Èirich (Pangaia: Highlord Arise) Pre-alpha

Hentai is equivalent to the US X to XXX ratings.

Pangaia: Highlord Arise

Hentai game made with RPG Maker VX Ace.
Creator and Author: Rycharde
Co-author(s) and Artist(s): no volunteers yet

This is the first of several pages I have worked on these past couple months. As noted, this is pre-alpha meaning no coding has begun. Purely a storyline, setting up maps, drawing up cities and towns to look like, types of beasts and races to be encountered, cast members, etc.

I have set up several polls for public support dealing mainly with the look of chimera (artificially created anthropomorphic animals), one for what types of chimera to add to the game.
If interested, drop by this page which has links to all pages I have setup so far.

See you there,

♂ TENSHI Riku ∴ 天使リック
Rycharde's Realm,
The developer of Pangaia: Airdtriath Èirich

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